Maintenance Closure Indoor Aquatic Facilities from Saturday 23 November until early January 2025. Find out more…

BlueFit Swimming Learn to Swim Program


We are very excited to introduce the BlueFit Swimming program to the Belmont community. We have been working with the Belgravia Swimming team to ensure a seamless transition including the retention of existing staff and rollover of class times.

From Monday, students enrolled in the learn to swim program at Belmont are all booked in to their normal class time and they will attend their first BlueFit Swimming lesson greeted by their regular instructor.

The BlueFit Swimming program consists of structured levels that progressively build swimming skills and water confidence. It is important to acknowledge that current students may have not yet learned some of the skills that are in their BlueFit Swimming lessons. During the transition we greatly appreciate your understanding that it may take time to teach these new skills.

Below is a range of information about this transition and your lesson. Most importantly there is nothing you need to do for this transition. You will see the team in different uniforms, signage will change and the level names will change, however, it is business as usual. This change will give you additional benefits such as make-up lessons, the online parent portal and students also have free access to the facility outside of class times. For more information about our class policies visit click here.


The BlueFit Swimming program is focused on ensuring our students enjoy learning to swim and that they are in the correct level to have the opportunity to be challenged, learn new skills as well as practice and further develop pre-existing skills. Each level within the program has 8-10 skills that the students are working towards. These can be seen via your parent portal. When all skills are achieved within a level the student is then ready to move up.You may notice some skills being practised within the BlueFit Swimming levels that are different to the Belgravia swim levels. During Week 1 and 2, our Pool Deck Coordinators will observe all lessons to ensure all students are enrolled in their appropriate level. Should you have any concerns, please feel free to chat to our friendly Pool Deck Coordinators.<

Frequently asked questions 

Will prices remain the same?
The class prices will remain the same, on a fortnightly upfront direct debit cycle starting Friday 5th July. As Belgravia have reduced your last payment to finish this Sunday, those booked Monday to Thursday will receive these lessons without charge. Your direct debit information has been rolled over for us to debit from without you having the need to re-sign.

What level will my child be in?
You will remain in exactly the same classes however the level names will change. Click here to view the level conversion between BlueFit Swimming and your current program.

What is the parent portal? 
The parent portal allows you to view your child’s progress, book make-up classes, pay outstanding fees and view important swim school resources. You will have access to the parent portal from 1st July. Please note skills in the portal will not be update until the first few weeks of lessons at the facility.

Will the teachers remain the same?
All teachers are remaining through the changeover, which is a fantastic outcome for the program and ensures your child has continuity with their lessons.

What happens if my child is sick an unable to attend lessons?
Students will be able to mark themselves absent up to 14 days before and 2 hours prior to their lesson via the parent portal.  Students have 1 make up lesson per calendar month per booking. Make up lessons are not transferable or refundable. All class management is done through the parent portal.

What discounts are available?
Our discount structure is slightly different to what you were used to.  Below is a link to the discounts that will be applicable to your lessons. Click here for more information about our class discounts

How to i access the facility outside of lessons?
BlueFit offers the opportunity for your children to come and practice their swimming skills outside of their scheduled lesson time. Upon presentation of the BlueFit Swimming entry card, children can enter the facility with a full fee paying adult.
Children under 6 years of age: A parent or guardian is free with the child, the parent MUST be in the water with the child.
Children from 6 years of age: A parent or guardian pay entry and MUST be in the centre with the child (they can be a spectator).

I wish to know how my child is progressing who do i ask?
You will be able to view this in the portal from July onwards. We assess all children in the program every 4-6 weeks in their class. We continually monitor all children’s progress in conjunction with their swim teacher. If you wish to discuss your child’s progress, please speak to the Pool Deck Coordinators who are always on duty. It is the Pool Deck Coordinators role to provide customer service and feedback on program participants. As you can appreciate, our swim instructors need to focus on their class at all times!

Is there anything i need to do when i arrive for my first BlueFit Swimming lesson?
No, everything remains the same. Upon arrival, have your card scanned at reception. We will swap your old access card over to a BlueFit Swimming card though July. Once you have scanned in you will be given a coloured token. Before your child enters the lesson, they can then place the token in the corresponding box in front of your lesson area.  In the first few weeks this will be the same area you are used to, however may change as we have access to more of the pool. Lane maps will be available at reception. Students are required to have a guardian with them to enter the facility.
