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As a facility management company, BlueFit needs a broad range of personal information to successfully carry out its business. We take the privacy of our members seriously and this privacy policy explains the way in which we use and store your personal information and how we comply with our privacy obligations. BlueFit is required to comply with the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
What information does BlueFit collect and why?
We collect personal information from our members, prospective members, contractors, employees and any other people or suppliers we conduct business with. The personal information we collect from our members allows us to provide health and fitness services.

The information we collect includes:
1. Identification information name, address, contact details (including phone
numbers and email addresses), date of birth, occupation and emergency contact.
2. Health Information including information supplied on guest registers, membership application forms, pre exercise questionnaires, orientation sheets and nutritional information.
3. Financial Information bank account details/credit card details and information regarding scheduled membership payments and any defaults on fees owed.

How is this information used by BlueFit? We use personal information to provide health and fitness services, to manage
memberships and to conduct our day to day business. If you are a member, we will use your personal information to process your
membership application and to manage your membership fees. We may also use your personal information to communicate with you by sending out any new or updated member information, monthly newsletters, promotions or other marketing material. If you do not wish to be part of our marketing database, our membership application form will contain information that will allow you to opt out.

Is my personal information stored somewhere safe and secure?
We take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is kept in a secure environment and is protected from unauthorized access. Our software is password protected and we take measures to limit access to your personal information. All personal information is treated as confidential by all staff and any third party contractors.


Does BlueFit give any other people/persons access to my personal information?
In the course of our day to day business there may be occasions where we may need to disclose your personal information: There may be instances where we outsource certain support work to a third party which may mean that our contractors see your personal information. For example, we may need to call on IT professionals who maintain and update our databases.In those instances, our contractors operate under strict confidentiality obligations and are authorized to only use personal information whilst performing the work required by us.
There may be instances where we are under a legal obligation to disclose personal information (eg. court order or request from a law enforcement agency). Otherwise, we will only disclose your personal information with your permission.

Can I access my personal information?
The current privacy legislation gives you the right to seek the personal information we have on our records. You can seek access by writing to our National Human Resources Manager (see contact details below). Once a written request is received, we will endeavor to respond within fourteen days. If your
request is complicated it may take up to one month for us to respond with the correct information. We attempt to ensure that all personal information held about you is accurate and current. However, we rely on you to communicate with us should you need to change any details. You can do this by writing to our National Human Resources Manager and we will contact you if there are any issues surrounding the updating of your details.
Can I join BlueFit without providing my personal information?
BlueFit offers its services to members and it is not possible to become a member of BlueFit without providing the requested personal information. It is in the interests of BlueFit and you that we retain your personal information should an unforeseen situation arise. Contact Details Should you have any questions about privacy or this Privacy Policy, please provide a written request to or contact our National Human Resources Manager:

Postal Address PO Box 554, Hurstville NSW 1481
Phone (02) 9585 9600

This Privacy Policy applies to BlueFit, all BlueFit employees and contractors. BlueFit reserves the right to change its privacy policy at any time. Last updated April 2010.