Due to scheduled maintenance, the steam room will be CLOSED on Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th July 2023. We apologize for any inconvenience.

COVID-19 Facility Update – Friday 20th March

COVID-19 News Article headers (2)
Dear members & patrons, As the COVID-19 situation progresses, our priority remains the safety of our staff and patrons. Please read below in relation to a range of impacts on our facility.
Closure of aquatics area
The aquatic area will close until further notice from the close of business today, Friday 20th March.
Closure of learn to swim
It is with regret we must cease the operation of our learn to swim program until further notice. If your child is currently enrolled in the learn to swim program, you will not be charged for lessons during the closure. Your spot in the program will remain secure for the reopening of the aquatics area and we will communicate along the way. Credits will be applied for this week’s lessons paid for in advance.
Changes to group fitness timetables
Our new quarterly timetable was due to begin 30th March. The current timetable remains in place with reduced class capacities. Some classes will have to be structured slightly differently to allow social distancing.
Spin classes and aqua classes end immediately.
Changes will take place in the 30th March timetable including
  • Cancellation of boxing
  • Reduction in class capacities to better allow 1.5m between participants
  • Removal of partner work that requires touching or being closer than 1.5m
  • During classes patrons should use a towel when using any mat
  • Mats should be sprayed and wiped down after use.
Health Club Access
The health clubs will remain open with each space limited to 100 participants at a time
Enforcement of the ‘No Towel No Train’ policy continues. We have also increased the signage in the health clubs to reiterate this. BlueFit towels are available for purchase at reception.
Where cardio equipment is closer than 1.5m we are turning off every second machine to allow for space between members.
Service Reduction
In order to keep the facility operating, we have made a decision to close some of the non-essential services within the facility. This includes:
  • Creche
  • Cafe
These closures will take effect close of business today, Friday 20th March.
OSCH service to remain
The OSCH services will remain and can be accessed via a separate entrance. The government has placed restrictions on incursions and excursions.
 Stadium to remain open
The stadium will remain open as usual however team sports competitions will cease
Complimentary membership suspension
It is a tough time for everyone and many of you are unable to continue paying membership fees. We have implemented complimentary membership suspension until further notice. To suspend your membership please contact our membership team.
Extension of your visit passes
We have extended everyone’s visit pass expiry by 12 months to use your remaining visits. You do not need to do anything for this to take effect.
How you can help:
  • Adhere to health and hygiene guidelines
  • Do not attend the facility if you have flu like symptoms
  • Treat others the way you would like to be treated. We do not require patrons to police rules on our behalf. If you see anything that is against the government advice, please contact a team member to assist.
  • Be respectful to our team. These are extremely difficult times and they have much uncertainty of their employment.
Our priority remains the health and safety of our staff and patrons. We are putting in every measure possible to ensure our spaces remain safe for all. We can keep our staff working for as long as it is safe to do so.
We understand it’s a very difficult time for everyone in our community and we want you to know that we are here for you. We believe that leisure facilities play an important role keeping the community healthy, physically and mentally. The Belmont team have been absolute superstars dealing with this unprecedented event and are trying their best to meet your needs.

