Maintenance Closure Indoor Aquatic Facilities from Saturday 23 November until early January 2025. Find out more…

Staying Water Safe in Winter


We don’t often associate beach days and time at the pool with winter but our cooler months are when we need to be extra vigilant when it comes to water safety.

Much cooler water temperatures and heavier clothes can put swimmers in a dangerous position if they were to ever fall into a body of water fully clothed during winter. In addition to this, increased rainfall can fill up backyard buckets or inflatable swimming pools, creating potential drowning risks for our little swimmers. As little as 3cm of water (enough to cover the nose and mouth) can be enough to cause a drowning hazard.

During winter, make sure to pack away any inflatable pools which are no longer being used and turn buckets upside down to stop rain from filling them up. Most importantly, consistent and continuous swimming lessons, including throughout winter, is the best way to keep kids safe in and around water. Swimming lessons develop muscle memory that swimmers will depend on entirely if they were to accidentally fall into a body of water.
