Belmont Oasis Works Update: August 2021
The works are continuing to progress within the group fitness rooms and health club toilets. The group fitness box gutter has finally been replaced amongst all of this rain which has delayed proceedings. Group fitness and cycle studio walls have been sheeted & prepped, the ceiling grid is being installed and the electrical is having […]
Facility Works Update: May 2021
The Aquatic Change Room renovations are nearly completed with tiling being installed over the last few weeks. Cubicle partitions and plumbing is expected to commence in the next week with the change rooms being available for use in June. We thank everyone for their patience during these upgrades! Works are progressing quickly for the Group […]
Change Room Update: April 2021
Works within the Aquatic change rooms are progressing quickly. The demo has been completed and the change rooms are being put back together with brickwork and rendering going on this week. These change rooms will match the quality of the stadium change rooms with full height wall tiles, quality fixtures & fittings, showers with doors, […]
Change Room Upgrades
The stadium change rooms are now open! We appreciate all the positive feedback from our users. If you haven’t used them yet, turn left at the end of the hallway instead of entering aquatics, past group fitness, down the hallway to the right. The aquatic change rooms will remain closed until May/June. These change rooms […]
Thank You For Your Patience – Plant Room Works Complete
Over the last few months, we have had a huge project undergo behind the scenes but will certainly make a different in front of the shop. The plant room upgrades are now complete, underground balance tanks have been waterproofed, pipes and valves have been replaced, chemical safety systems upgraded and filter sand has been replaced […]
Plant Room Works Update
Thank you to everyone for their understanding and cooperation during the first phase of pool shutdowns. We are scheduled to open the Lagoon Leisure pool and the Outdoor pool during the week of November 16th. Please read below to learn more about our next steps: The main indoor pool and the spa will close for […]
Major Plant Room Overhaul Works
Thanks to the ongoing investment and commitment by the City of Belmont, the Belmont Oasis Leisure Centre will be undergoing major plant room overhaul works scheduled for October, November and December 2020. Due to these works, there may be disruption to the public and we will try to make it minimised as much as possible, […]
Plant Room Major Overhaul Works: September – November 2020
There are major plant room overhaul works scheduled for September, October, November 2020. This includes 10 & 20-year overhaul tasks to improve safety, efficiency and system longevity Due to these works, there may be disruption to the public as we will be minimised, however, a 3-week shutdown for each pool will be required for these […]