Maintenance Closure Indoor Aquatic Facilities from Saturday 23 November until early January 2025. Find out more…

Welcome to Belmont Oasis

Staff Belmont

A message to all Belmont Oasis Members and Visit Pass Holders

The Belmont Oasis Leisure Centre is a landmark facility in the City of Belmont, which is highly utilised by the community, delivering important health and lifestyle outcomes.

Following a comprehensive tender process, the City of Belmont has awarded leisure facility specialist BlueFit to manage the Belmont Oasis contract.  BlueFit will commence management operations from Monday 1st July 2019, taking over from Belgravia.

In almost all cases, it will be a case of ‘business as usual’ for members and users

  • There is little change to the Belmont Oasis staff
  • Group Fitness and Learn to Swim class times and instructors remain
  • Opening hours of the facility stay the same
  • Your remaining visits on your visit pass are still valid

All membership data has been transferred and we have been able to link to the debit company that holds your credit card or bank account details. BlueFit debit all members and swim school families fortnightly in advance and your first debit will be Friday 5th July. If this frequency of payments means you would like to change where the funds are debited from, please visit from Monday to Thursday. For many of you, this will mean the membership period of the 1st to the 4th of July inclusive is provided free of charge.

It is important for you to know, there is nothing for you to do in this transfer. Simply continue to use the facility for you health and fitness needs.

It is appreciated that the members and users of Belmont Oasis would have questions regarding this transition, so a series of FAQs has been developed:

Why has this change occurred?
The Belmont Oasis Leisure Centre is owned by the City of Belmont and the management is contracted out to a leisure facility management company. Belgravia has operated the Belmont Oasis Leisure Centre for the past 15 years and with the existing contract expiring, an open tender process was conducted, as is standard practice.

Who is BlueFit?
BlueFit is a leisure facility management specialist, which operates approximately 30 facilities across Australia.
BlueFit promotes a family culture and commitment towards its motto of ‘Inspiring Community Activity’.

What happens to the current Belmont Oasis staff?
There are approximately 140 people currently employed at Belmont by Belgravia. BlueFit anticipates almost total retention of the existing staff, so you will be seeing the same faces at the Oasis on Monday.

What happens to programs and services between now and 1 July?
It will be ‘business as usual’ for programs and services, which will continue to be operated by the Belgravia until close of business on Sunday 30th June.

What immediate change will be apparent on 1 July?
Apart from new branding and signage, members and users will not see any discernible change on the 1st of July. All existing programs and timetables will remain in place initially, and any ‘Belgravia owned’ programs will be replaced with similar BlueFit programs.
Over time BlueFit may implement enhancements to the current offer, and this would be communicated directly with members and users.

Will fees and charges increase?
All existing fees and charges will remain the same. As has always been the case with the Belmont Oasis Leisure Centre, the manager reviews fees and charges annually and any increase above the CPI requires Council approval.

Will my membership automatically rollover?
Yes, the transfer is almost complete in advance of our first fortnightly debit on Friday 5th July. Your access remains active continuously through this transition. If you have any questions on the fortnightly charge this Friday, please contact the facility.

What about existing tenant user-groups?
BlueFit will be contacting all existing user groups of the Belmont directly, again with the expectation of ‘business as usual’.

How do I get more information?
The new website of is now live, and there is an enquiry form there for any questions you have.

We look forward to seeing all Belmont Oasis users next week and building a great connection with the community.

Todd McHardy
Founder and CEO
